Something is “Good” in the State of Denmark

study_in_denmarkIn Denmark, population could be divided in two categories: health fanatics and not.

Certainly, since the amount of pork products exceeds the real needs of the Danish people, it is so easy to guess which is the “health fanatic” percentage and which is the “not health fanatic” on the Danish territory.

Yet, Denmark is more and more careful toward the health of its citizens, and it’s for for these reasons that Danish Governments started to campaign for health and nutrition.

Furthermore, in order to incentivize a healthy life-style, supermarkets sell health foods cheaper then the junk ones.

This is the direction followed also by those fast foods that promote the vegan and/or vegetarian cooking. But it is not enough. In Denmark around the 98% of restaurants, fast foods and street foods still offer fat –  and very bad quality –  foods, regardless of what kind of cooking they make.

Even the Italian cooking, that should guarantee a more-healthy food, due to its mediterranean background and tradition, seems to be surrendered to pork, butter and palm oil products. But something is changing. Italian cooking –  already popular in Denmark – begins to be regarded as a healthy-cooking model to follow. Italians, even before Danish, understood that a change in their nutritional lifestyle is necessary, in order to preserve their customers’ health and their ancient traditions.

mas-le-grillThis is the way San Giorgio Restaurant goes.

Once again, it is the model of the real Italian cooking tradition in Denmark.

Since long time, San Giorgio Restaurant based his activity on the ancient Italian tradition, in particular on the Sardinian one. It takes the greatest care of the raw material and the quality course.

But, what is the difference between San Giorgio and the other Italian restaurants in Denmark? It’ s simple!

10734152_10152873648409388_4104391193222537985_nIt is their unique attention on the cooking process, their perfect knowledge about the products, their special care of the foods preparation before cooking, and their great skills about the methods and times of raw materials cooking.

Moreover, a deep study of the nutritional balance – that takes into consideration the harmony and contrast of flavours – is one of those peculiar features that makes SanGiorgio is so appreciated by “fussy tasters”.

To learn more see also…

Pag. 13 Riv. IL PONTE 

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